Robotic Process Automation

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   Robotic process automation (RPA) is the use of software with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities to handle high-volume, repeatable tasks that previously required humans to perform. These tasks can include queries, calculations and maintenance of records and transactions. RPA technology, sometimes called a software robot or bot, mimics a human worker, logging into applications, entering data, calculating and completing tasks, and logging out.

   RPA software isn't part of an organization's IT infrastructure. Instead, it sits on top of it, enabling a company to implement the technology quickly and efficiently all without changing the existing infrastructure and systems. Robotic process automation is the use of specialized computer programs, known as software robots, to automate and standardize repeatable business processes. Imagine a robot sitting in front of a computer looking at the same applications and performing the same keystrokes as a person would do.
What are the benefits of RPA?
benefits of robotic process automation (RPA) infographic

As a user-friendly and cost-effective tool, robotic process automation provides a number of advantages that are drawing interest from organizations across many industries. The business benefits of RPA include:
Image result for Robotic Process Automation or RPA,
  • Enabling better customer service 
  • Ensuring business operations and processes comply with regulations and standards 
  • Allowing processes to be completed much more rapidly 
  • Providing improved efficiency by digitizing and auditing process data 
  • Creating cost savings for manual and repetitive tasks 
  • Enabling employees to be more productive
Image result for Robotic Process Automation or RPA and regular automation

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